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National Cancer Institute
Enterprise Vocabulary Services
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Cathorops dasycephalus (CUI C1897321) Suggest changes to this concept
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Terms & Properties

Concept Unique Identifier (CUI): C1897321

Semantic Type: Fish

Synonyms & Abbreviations: (see Synonym Details)
Arius dasycephalus
Cathorops dasycephalus

External Source Codes:  (none)

Other Properties: Property Definitions
Name Value Source
AUTHORITY_NAME Arius dasycephalus Gunther, 1864 NCBI
AUTHORITY_NAME Cathorops dasycephalus (Gunther, 1864) NCBI
DIV Vertebrates NCBI
RANK species NCBI

Additional Concept Data:  (none)

URL to Bookmark: Metathesaurus&code=C1897321

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