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Bothrops insularis (CUI C0999142) Suggest changes to this concept
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Terms & Properties

Concept Unique Identifier (CUI): C0999142

Semantic Type: Reptile

Synonyms & Abbreviations: (see Synonym Details)
Bothropoides insularis
Bothrops insularis
golden lancehead
island jararaca
Lachesis insularis
Queimada jararaca

External Source Codes:  (none)

Other Properties: Property Definitions
Name Value Source
AUTHORITY_NAME Lachesis insularis Amaral, 1921 NCBI
DIV Vertebrates NCBI
HM D000097222 MSH
HM D017837 MSH
MDA 20230303 MSH
MMR 20230531 MSH
RANK species NCBI
RN txid8723 MSH
TERMUI T001134293 MSH
TERMUI T001134295 MSH
TERMUI T001134296 MSH
TERMUI T001134297 MSH
TERMUI T001134298 MSH
TERMUI T001134299 MSH
TH NLM (2023) MSH

Additional Concept Data:  (none)

URL to Bookmark: Metathesaurus&code=C0999142

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